It's a safe Ayurvedic combination that is beneficial for treating children. The medicine is administered on the day of Pushya Nakshatra (most preferable) or any day in every month to attain greater efficacy.
Dear Parents,
Ayurvedic immunization is an ancient method with modern standardization, ideal to be adopted during early years of brain development. Ayurveda explains SWARNA BINDU PRASHANA while Modern medicine explains about vaccines.
Vaccines produce immunity against specific diseases where as Swarna Bindu Prashana produces non specific immunity along with many other effects.
Ayurveda mainly helps to maintain the healthy state of mind and body.
Ayurvedic immunization works on the same line as Vaccines do. This helps to develop resistance in the body for many types of toxins. In other words, it produces immunity.
Reference from classics : Kashyapa Samhita Sutrasthana verse no 18 / 4 - 5
“आमथ्या मधु सर्पिभ्यम लेहयेत कनकम शिशुहु
सुवर्नप्रशनम्ह्येता मेधाग्नि बलवर्धनम
अयुश्यम मंगलम पुन्यम व्रुश्यम वर्न्यम ग्रहपहम
मासात प्रमा मेधावि व्यधिभिर नच घ्रुश्यते
षद्भिर मासैहि श्रुतधारह सुवर्नप्राशनात भवेत”
By Swarna Bindu Prashana, a Child develops medha (mental ability), agni (digestive power), bala (strength), aayu vardhana (prolonged life span). It also provides for Mangalakara (brings in good virtues in child, positive attitude in life, optimism, power to overcome mental and physical hardships, good fate), Vrushya (attractive nature and personality), Varnya (good complexion) & Graha Baadha Nashaka (voids away associated evils).
If Swarna Prashana is done for 30 times, then the Child will be Parama medhavi (extremely intelligent & extraordinary) and remain unaffected by Vyadhi (diseases). On the other hand, if done for 180 times, the Child will be Shrutadhara ( remembers what he hears once - excellent grasping).